The transistors do not necessarily have to be bc547 you may use 2n2222 or similar small signal transistors but it is recommended to always use the equivalent transistors.
Transistor flasher circuit diagram.
Power transistors may be added for handling higher current loads.
In the second circuit a power fet is used in place of the npn.
Both npn transistor you can use of bc547 548 or 2n2222.
Circuit diagram blinking led circuit.
If you want one a lamp flasher circuit using transistors that flashing for general to use.
This circuit basically works on the charging and discharging of capacitors.
Use 9v or 12v battery or adaptor for this circuit.
It can work as well as the use of ic 555 or other transistor circuits.
In the first circuit a flasher circuit in series with a 220 ohm resistor turns on a power transistor.
Here is a one transistor led flasher circuit which will flash a super bright led.
I have many ways but today you see this three of the lamp flasher circuits.
This led flasher circuit is very easy and simple and there is no ic used.
The flash rate can be adjusted by changing the value of 1k resistor used in the circuit.
The circuit is using single transistor as driver which is taking flash rate from the led 2 which is a self flashing led.
The circuit is using 2n3904.
1 in above circuit can the blinker time be adjusted like on for 1sec and off for 1 sec.
Which it has highlights is there are two types of transistor are npn and pnp.
We can create a dancing led circuit by combining many similar circuits which we can use for advertisement boards.
This circuit can be operated using dc 6 12v supply.